On Monday, Oct. 5, the LBJ School of Public Affairs presented the first forum of its 50th anniversary celebration. The prime-time presentation, "In the Arena: The LBJ Era… to the Present," featured some of today's most important thinkers and doers discussing how President Johnson's legacy of bold action inspired their work to fight for change on critical issues from racial justice and equality to health care, jobs and poverty.
"This once-in-a lifetime anniversary not only reflects the force of 50 years of impact by those who taught at and attended the LBJ School, but more importantly, it also musters this force to forge new pathways to think about and act upon the future," said Angela Evans, dean of the LBJ School. "We thank the LBJ Foundation for its support of this ambitious endeavor and its shared commitment to ignite emerging generations of young people driven by purpose and a desire to build a better world."
The Forum is below and online at LBJ50.org and the LBJ School's YouTube channel.
Forum I: In the Arena: The LBJ Era… to the Present (Oct. 5, 2020)
Forum II: In the Arena: Defining a New Destiny (Oct. 12, 2020)
The @TheLBJSchool is turning 50!
Join them for an evening of 'intellect and inspiration' during LBJ50 Fora I and II.
Free and online, Oct 5 and Oct 12, at 7pm CST. #lbj50 https://t.co/3SlmF55K5d#TBT pic.twitter.com/01sd6oxPVO— APSIA (@apsiainfo) Oct. 1, 2020
55 years ago, LBJ & Congress transformed US health care with the passage of Medicare and Medicaid.
Today at 7pm CT, I’ll speak with @TheLBJSchool’s Dr. Michael Hole about the current state of health care in the US. #LBJintheArena
Watch: https://t.co/KxNCfCRoPQ— Zeke Emanuel (@ZekeEmanuel) Oct. 5, 2020
#HappeningNow, I'm joining Tom Johnson for @TheLBJSchool's #LBJintheArena forum. We're talking about how #datasaveslives and how tech can enable a equitable opportunity for recovery from Covid-19. @RockefellerFdn
— Dr. Rajiv J. Shah (@rajshah) Oct. 6, 2020
"Lyndon Johnson's vision included boys and girls like me. People born without privilege, but with dreams." @darrenwalker #LBJ50
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 6, 2020
"Public service was among the most noble pursuits an American could aspire to. We've got to get that back." @darrenwalker #LBJ50
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 6, 2020
#LBJ50: "Philanthropy is not just generosity and charity. It must also be dignity and justice." – @darrenwalker
Watch live at https://t.co/tICYecE2M0.— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 6, 2020
"Now more than ever, we need public servants with passion and purpose." Dean Angela Evans, #LBJ50
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 6, 2020
“We are attempting to fulfill our national purpose. To create and sustain a society in which all of us are equal.” - Former LBJ School Professor and Congresswoman Barbara Jordan. Those words resonate more than ever today. #LBJ50 #Equality #Equity #WomenInPolitics
— LBJ Women's Campaign School (@LBJWCS) Oct. 6, 2020
"The internet should be more available to everybody and run at faster speeds. We should teach people to be critical consumers of information." Martine Rothblatt
Watch live now at https://t.co/tICYecE2M0 #LBJ50— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 6, 2020
Happening now: Watch live at https://t.co/tICYecE2M0. https://t.co/uqo0DA38wa
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 6, 2020
"We left this school knowing we had to think big and by thinking big we could do great things." LBJ alumnus John Hall @LBJSchoolAlumni at #LBJ50. Watch at https://t.co/aJZMPYpQn0
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 6, 2020
#LBJ50: @DrMichaelHole asks @ZekeEmanuel how a COVID-19 vaccine should be distributed. Dr. Emanuel says key values in allocating a scarce resource like this would be to 1) limit harm and do the most good 2) mitigate disadvantage and 3) equal concern for all people
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 6, 2020
#HappeningNow Watch at https://t.co/tICYecE2M0 https://t.co/05hHbMh92z
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 6, 2020
Excellent session. We must do good with the power we get. https://t.co/oedLyD3Xis
— Jaime Cabrera (@JaimeACabrera) Oct. 6, 2020
So many young people want to make a difference today. @rajshah would say to his younger self: "Get in the arena. By doing you learn. One of the things I admire about the LBJ School and the way the students articulated their aspirations is they get in the arena."
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 6, 2020
#HappeningNow at https://t.co/aJZMPYpQn0 https://t.co/WyIdP4LHNn
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 6, 2020
#HappeningNow Watch at https://t.co/aJZMPYpQn0 https://t.co/CL0Ebn8dCt
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 6, 2020
#HappeningNow: Final #LBJ50 Forum 1 session at https://t.co/tICYecE2M0 https://t.co/wju8yPZOpm
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 6, 2020