On Monday, Oct. 12, the LBJ School of Public Affairs presented the first forum of its 50th anniversary celebration. The prime-time presentation, "In the Arena: Defining a New Destiny," featured some of today's most important thinkers and doers sharing their sense of purpose in the fight for racial justice and equity, and discussing the leadership and vision that can lead us forward.
"This once-in-a lifetime anniversary not only reflects the force of 50 years of impact by those who taught at and attended the LBJ School, but more importantly, it also musters this force to forge new pathways to think about and act upon the future," said Angela Evans, dean of the LBJ School. "We thank the LBJ Foundation for its support of this ambitious endeavor and its shared commitment to ignite emerging generations of young people driven by purpose and a desire to build a better world."
The Forum is below and online at LBJ50.org and the LBJ School's YouTube channel.
Forum I: In the Arena: The LBJ Era… to the Present (Oct. 5, 2020)
Forum II: In the Arena: Defining a New Destiny (Oct. 12, 2020)
Tune in at 7 pm as @TheLBJSchool celebrates 50 years of preparing students for public policy with a free, online forum.
Speakers will explore solutions to today's most pressing issues, from racial justice and equality to the state of our democracy: https://t.co/JT373Anpzv #LBJ50 pic.twitter.com/epZzXJxPqI— UT Austin (@UTAustin) Oct. 12, 2020
"If courage remains our constant companion, then my fellow Americans, I am confident we shall overcome."
As part of @TheLBJSchool's 50th anniversary, hear part of LBJ's last public speech — read in part by each of the four living U.S. presidents. https://t.co/dlUEXD6Emm pic.twitter.com/isjPaxCkoX— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) Oct. 12, 2020
This is really great. And moving. @TheLBJSchool https://t.co/69C069p6yG
— Senator Kirk Watson (@KirkPWatson) Oct. 13, 2020
Presidents #JimmyCarter, @BillClinton, #GeorgeWBush & @BarackObama help celebrate @TheLBJSchool's five decades #InTheArena. Join us at 7p CT at https://t.co/0z79PHdsFH.@PLSprogram, @CarterCenter, @ClintonCenter, @TheBushCenter, @ObamaFoundation, @LBJLibrary, @LBJFoundation https://t.co/ahr1ZulzkV
— Michael Hole (@DrMichaelHole) Oct. 12, 2020
Just saw the feature on the PBS Newshour. Goosebumps!!
— Catherine Weaver (@kateweaverUT) Oct. 12, 2020
Congratulations to @TheLBJSchool on its 50th anniversary! #LBJ50 https://t.co/WuBJjm5K3v
— LBJ Library (@LBJLibrary) Oct. 13, 2020
One of the world's most transformative philanthropists discusses emboldening women and their role in changing the world — for good. Join @melindagates Co-chair of @gatesfoundation and @patmitchell, author of "Becoming a Dangerous Woman" live on Oct. 12 -> https://t.co/GZx5ZzQ0MV pic.twitter.com/y6KSysrGaG
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 13, 2020
"The LBJ School has recently launched a women's campaign school. It is a nonpartisan effort to prepare female students to become power players." Thank you for sharing about our work @patmitchell! #WomenInPolitics #WomenLead #LBJ50 @TheLBJSchool @melindagates https://t.co/oLa67W9eRo
— LBJ Women's Campaign School (@LBJWCS) Oct. 13, 2020
"For too long the world has seen gender issues as the 'nice to do' the 'side issue'. And no, they are central." @melindagates speaks at @TheLBJSchool.
Watch now at https://t.co/P4ZIGxm3DT#WomenLeaders #LBJ50— LBJ Women's Campaign School (@LBJWCS) Oct. 13, 2020
A great way to start the week - hearing @melindagates talk about the difference one person, each of us, can make #inspired https://t.co/Qh24Vvz5bf pic.twitter.com/qInfW3BH0y
— MJ Schmitt (@maryjeanschmitt) Oct. 13, 2020
Texas Governor @GregAbbott_TX at #LBJ50: "Texas is at the forefront of producing bold and innovative thinkers... there is no better place to develop the next generation of public leaders than right here at the LBJ School."
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 13, 2020
Coming up: How should the private sector shape an economy that serves all Americans? Jaime Dimon and @PattieSellers on "Getting to Financial Equity." Live on https://t.co/GZx5ZzQ0MV pic.twitter.com/zjWD877ui4
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 13, 2020
Why @jpmorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon is passionate about public policy—and why other CEOs should be too. "If you want to have a successful society, you need collaboration between government and business. We all have to get involved and make society a better place." #LBJ50
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 13, 2020
Coming up: @SmithsonianSec shares his insights about how we all best apply multidisciplinary knowledge in order to tackle societal problems, unite divided communities, and give our children greater access to quality education. Tap here to watch live https://t.co/GZx5ZzQ0MV pic.twitter.com/1NI8i0JvWQ
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 13, 2020
Our next speaker has celebrated another important milestone with the LBJ School: graduation. Coming up: @soledadobrien in conversation with @SmithsonianSec. Watch now at https://t.co/tICYecE2M0 pic.twitter.com/KbGtknCHnS
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 13, 2020
"LBJ was really able to build compromises, coalitions–things that people had not done effectively in the past. He was able to draft legislation that protected so many aspects of American life." @SmithsonianSec on President Johnson's domestic policy legacy at #LBJ50.
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 13, 2020
#LBJ50 @SmithsonianSec on the LBJ School: "The school has done a major service to build on LBJ's legacy to say you can do good through public service. The political arena is a place where dreams can be made real, and real tragedies can be prevented." https://t.co/tICYecE2M0
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 13, 2020
"You see many people coming out of @TheLBJSchool with an activist bend," @SmithsonianSec said at #LBJ50. "It is their job to use the tools and training they received to make the country better." Watch now at https://t.co/tICYecE2M0
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 13, 2020
Love @AnoushehAnsari's perspective from space — We are all living on one planet. Countries are just geographical boundaries. We all have one home, one planet. We must work together to treat it as a precious place. #LBJ50 https://t.co/W6Otox8tFu
— Holly Priestner (@hollypriestner) Oct. 13, 2020
Take your willingness and passion to solve a problem. Find others to join your team and GO FOR IT! @AnoushehAnsari @TheLBJSchool #LBJ50— Holly Priestner (@hollypriestner) Oct. 13, 2020
Coming up: Chancellor @jbmilliken, UT System Chancellor, shares his insights on how colleges and universities need to address new realities, reimagine the future, and reach the populations who need it — and fast. Watch here: https://t.co/GZx5ZzQ0MV #LBJintheArena #LBJ50 pic.twitter.com/IFPMobpHYl
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 13, 2020
Texas set to double in 30 years, but we're #34 in educational achievement. UT so critical not just to the future of Texas but of the US. https://t.co/8ahhkisuks
— Lawrence Wright (@lawrence_wright) Oct. 13, 2020
.@UTSystem Chancellor James B. Milliken discussed the future of higher education Monday as part of a forum celebrating @TheLBJSchool's 50th anniversary. https://t.co/ateKeyktKl
— The Daily Texan (@thedailytexan) Oct. 13, 2020
Coming up: Adm. William McRaven will discuss his thoughts on how best to establish our credibility, strengthen our alliances and forge a brighter future for American foreign policy. Watch on https://t.co/GZx5ZzQ0MV pic.twitter.com/duzcXWHLYV
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 13, 2020
"LBJ was Texas. He was bigger than life...He had swagger, determination and perseverance." Adm. William McRaven at #LBJ50. https://t.co/tICYecE2M0
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 13, 2020
Adm. William McRaven on his advice to students: "The one question they have to ask themselves whenever they are making a tough policy decision is, who are we as a nation? We are a nation of the people." #LBJ50
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 13, 2020
"How you lead is about your character. If you think for a second you don't need integrity, honesty or the character that makes you a good human being to lead, well, I would offer that is a fatal flaw to your thinking." Adm. William McRaven at #LBJ50
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 13, 2020
I am so glad to have taken Adm. McRaven's class at @TheLBJSchool. There's in not better example of leadership than him. https://t.co/9hvJtnT19X
— Jaime Cabrera (@JaimeACabrera) Oct. 13, 2020
Coming up: A voting rights champion and military vet-turned-presidential candidate share their visions for a future that connects and empowers everyone. Watch #LBJintheArena live here: https://t.co/GZx5ZzQ0MV pic.twitter.com/jGP8ErD5vT
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 13, 2020
Throwback to when @staceyabrams visited #LBJSchool in 2019 for the Outstanding Alumni Awards. Tune in to #LBJ50 now to hear her in conversation with @PeteButtigieg. https://t.co/tICYecE2M0 pic.twitter.com/0b1c9LkBbw
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 13, 2020
"There is a deeper empathy that exists among us." @staceyabrams, @TheLBJSchool alumna, and @PeteButtigieg discuss the electorate, failures and successes during the School's 50th anniversary forum.
Tune in NOW at https://t.co/I0wpgG8mM5. #lbjalumni pic.twitter.com/Fvpca2EoXv— LBJ School Alumni (@LBJSchoolAlumni) Oct. 13, 2020
"Everyone's moment of maximum power as a citizen is the moment you fill in that ballot." @PeteButtigieg at #LBJ50 on voting. (Early voting in Texas starts October 13.)
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 13, 2020
"This is what I learned at the LBJ School: We have to go all the way down the ballot. We need state and local leaders who see our daily challenges, struggles and relief. We have to work from the bottom to the top." @staceyabrams at #LBJ50
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 13, 2020
"To all the young people fighting for change: we see you, we value you, and we believe in you." Lynda Johnson Robb at #LBJ50. Thank you for tuning in.
— The LBJ School (@TheLBJSchool) Oct. 13, 2020